"It's Time to Play"
Stringing the generations together!

Lend a Hand
Help Support Intergenerational Music Making!
We believe there is magic in bringing musicians of all ages together to explore, rehearse, and perform great music. In order for us to keep supporting people of all levels of age and skills to benefit from each other while playing music, we need the community’s support.
As a WIO supporter you become an integral part of the journey to promote our mission. Tuition only pays a fraction of the cost of operations. We want to ensure that anyone who wants to participate is able to, and we wish to expand our free outreach programs to underserved communities.
Currently, we have three options for your monetary support:
General Operational Support. These monies are dedicated to supporting our teaching staff, musical supplies, and outreach programming.
The Musician Scholarship Fund. Supporting this effort covers fees for those of any age who are unable to pay the tuition.
Bjorklund Library. WIO received a bequest of a large library of orchestra parts. Support for this Library will enable the purchase of full orchestral scores to accompany these individual parts.
Please note that we are a 501 © 3 organization.
Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Checks payable to:
Wisconsin Intergenerational Orchestra
P.O. Box 26371 | Wauwatosa, WI 53226

Use your credit card or PayPal account and donate directly to WIO!
Sign Up to be a Volunteer
WIO is a small, non-profit organization and can only be successful with the generous assistance of volunteers.
Please let us know if you are interested in providing help with:
Rehearsals: set-up, take down, library work and attendance
Concerts: ushering and stage management
Publicity: photography, copy writing and media contact
Fundraising: planning committee
Outreach: coordinator for our community service performances
Social: planning committee