"It's Time to Play"
Stringing the generations together!

Frequently Asked Questions
How does WIO differ from other orchestras?
WIO is fundamentally the same as any other orchestra. We rehearse and perform quality music to the best of our ability. We aim for a high level of artistic expression and precision of ensemble. Our philosophy, however, might be a bit different. We hope to build a completely inclusive community within our membership and believe that this diversity will benefit not only our music making, but also the richness and joy in our life experience.
What are rehearsals like?
Professional music educators run WIO rehearsals. Goals will be stated clearly and instructions will help guide the ensemble to improve musically. It will be challenging and fun at the same time.
Where does WIO meet?
We are very pleased to meet on the campus of New Berlin West Middle School-High School – 18695 W. Cleveland Avenue, New Berlin, WI 53146. The campus is convenient to Milwaukee and all suburbs. Please park in front of the main entrance and use the front door. Go through the cafeteria and look for a sign above the doorway in the back of the cafeteria that says "MUSIC DEPARTMENT". The iGen Symphony will meet in the Band Room (163) along with other music rehearsal rooms as needed. Click here to see a map that takes you from the building entrance to the music department. Wisconsin Intergenerational Orchestra is very grateful to the school district of New Berlin for hosting and welcoming us to their school.
What are the expectations of membership?
We ask that you:
Arrive to rehearsals and concerts a little early – maintain reliable, regular attendance
Bring your instrument (in good playing condition), music and pencil each time
Work out challenging musical areas at home (practice)
Spread our mission of inclusive community building through our work together
Are auditions required to join the orchestra?
For string players, an audition is not required for membership in WIO. From time to time we will ask to hear you play in order to help assess your best placement within the ensemble. Music directors will determine the leadership within each section. In order to create the best possible experience for all WIO members, not every selection is suitable for every member. You may be offered an alternate part or be asked to sit out for a specific selection. Various factors are considered including technical development, musical sensitivity and maturity, and instrumentation requirements. Wind players are invited to join us by audition.
Is financial aid available?
A limited number of scholarships may be available to individuals who demonstrate financial need. Please contact us at info@wiorchestra.org for more information about the application process.
For other questions please send us a note at: info@wiorchestra.org